Vision / Mission / Values
“Whāronatia kia pūkekotia”
“Lengthen our stride to become knowing”
“Whāronatia kia pūkekotia”
At Reporoa Primary School this means we focus on our goals and move forward, taking ownership of our learning and embracing challenges along the way.
We provide an education that is learner focused, inclusive and supported by productive partnerships.
At Reporoa Primary School learner focussed means we know our learning needs and our abilities. We understand our learning style and strive to develop learner agency.
Inclusive means we celebrate our differences and cater for all needs whether they are social, behavioural, learning, cultural, or physical.
Active Productive Partnerships are fostered by working collaboratively together with our whanau and community to reach our common goals.
As a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) school, at Reporoa Primary School we use our “REPS”. We pride ourselves in displaying these values through everything we do.
- Respectful – Students at Reporoa Primary are polite to everyone. They are responsible for looking after themselves, their peers, and the environment. They show an awareness of how words and actions affect others.
- Engaged – Students at Reporoa Primary School are focused on learning in all forms. They are actively involved throughout their school career.
- Positive – Students at Reporoa Primary School use positive language at all times. They show pride in themselves and our school.
- Striving – Students at Reporoa Primary School try their best, challenge themselves, and support others in their attempts to do so.